Village Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

We held several successful events over the weekend of June 2nd – 5th 2022, it was great to get together again and celebrate together.

We held a Churches Count on Nature event in Ashburnham Churchyard where a small group of villagers got together to see how many different plant species we could find, our list included these Common Purple Orchids, Twayblade and lots of Knapweed.

A village Walk was organised taking in the beautiful countryside around.




PANTS entertained a packed marquee with a fantastic Platinum Palaver on Friday evening and on the Saturday evening the marquee was again full, this time of people enjoying a Barn Dance!


On Sunday, Revd Gary led a community service of celebration before judging the Jubilee Cake Competition! We then gathered for a picnic lunch and that most traditional of Sussex sports, a game of Stool Ball.


During the weekend, villagers enjoyed wandering around the lanes to find Royal Scarecrows which popped up outside different houses in Ashburnham and Penhurst!