The address of the pavilion is Church Road, Ashburnham, TN33 9NU. For users of the app What3Words, the 3Words are folks.explored.battle. The Pavilion is used all year round for Art Group , The Coffee Stop and occasional coffee mornings . It has become a favourite venue for children’s parties and other celebrations. East Sussex Astronomical Society use it for viewing evenings because of the dark skies and prominent location.
Bookings until September 2025 can be viewed here. See further down for how to book.
The Pavilion and Sports Field are used throughout the summer for cricket and the fixtures are shown on the bookings list as soon as they are released by the Ashburnham Cricket Club.
The pavilion is owned by the parish council and the ground is leased from the Ashburnham Estate for a peppercorn rent. The parish council maintains the building and its immediate surround and boundaries, but the cricket club maintain the outfield and the all important wicket.
- main hall (8.2m x 5m)
- two changing rooms (used also as ante-rooms)
- 3 toilets (including 1 disabled)
- 40 chairs & 14 tables @ 2ft x 3ft
- can accommodate, in the main room, 37 people seated, 82 standing
- separate kitchen with cups, plates and cutlery, 2 kettles, electric cooker with oven, coffee machine.
Charges for the hire of the pavilion are per session. A session is either morning, afternoon or evening. The standard charge from 1st April 2023 is £70 per session with a 50% reduction for parish residents. For village groups meeting on a regular basis the charge is £20 per session.
Check availability for the next 6 months by viewing the bookings link at the top of this page. If you have any questions or want to know about booking more than 6 months ahead please email the parish clerk ( or telephone Brian on 01323 832082.
For a single event complete a booking form which is part of the Hiring Agreement and email it to the parish clerk ( You can download the booking form here.. For a series of events or multiple bookings please contact the parish clerk.
Other documents available here are Safety & Fire Regulations and Notes for Pavilion users