

Two vacancies arose as a result of the resignation of Ron King and the departure from the district of Nicci Gagel.  No election was requested and so the Parish Council needs to co-opt people to fill the vacancies.  Fay Merrick was co-opted to one of the vacancies in September 2024 so there is one remaining.
If you would like to know more please contact the Clerk

Your representatives

There are seven seats on your Parish Council –  five for the parish of Ashburnham (A) and two for the parish of Penhurst (P).  If there are insufficient nominations at an election or if a vacancy arises during the four year term of office of the council, then the council must co-opt members to fill the vacancies. The new four year term started in May 2019.  There were three vacant seats after the election, but these have now been filled by co-option.  These are your representatives (scroll down to see their lead responsibilities):

Jay Ashworth (A) – elected
07876 484945

Chris Sinden (P) – elected

Fay Merrick (A) – co-opted
‭01424 893414‬

Paul Spicer (A) – elected
Chairman 2024

Richard White (A) – elected
01424 892481

Fraser Williamson (A) – elected

The Parish Clerk is Brian Holdstock who may be contacted by email to or by phone on 01323 832082.


Councillors’ Lead Responsibilities

This list shows the broad division of responsibilities.  In 2022, with the arrival of three new parish councillor replacements, we decided to group the topics differently.  Instead of grouping them by councillor, we are grouping them according to the areas of interest and, taking a leaf out of “20 Questions”, grouping them into Animal (the human world, society), Vegetable (the natural world) and Mineral (the build environment).
Parish Councillors do not possess a wide enough range of skills to cover all topics so we are inviting parishioners with special knowledge or interest to act as the councillor’s ‘correspondent’.  If you would like to join their ranks, whether or not there is a lead councillor, then we’d love to hear from you.
Finally, if there is a topic you want to see in the list but which is not there then please contact the clerk.

Animal (the human world, society)

Communications, Website, Social media                Jay Ashworth
Rural broadband                                                           Andrew Hoad (correspondent)
Events                                                                              Chris Sinden
Police liaison                                                                  Fraser Williamson
Phone box
Public transport                                                           A correspondent
Public health: defibrillators                                       Chris Sinden
Public health: exercise facilities                              Richard White

Vegetable (the  natural world)

Verges                                                                            Paul Spicer
Environment: Litter                                                    Jay Ashworth
Environment: Aircraft noise                                    Andrew Hoad, Clive O’Sullivan
Environment: Ecology, climate change                 A correspondent

Mineral (the built environment)

Housing                                                                          A correspondent
Premises                                                                        Richard White
Planning                                                                        All councillors
Rights of way, footpaths                                            Paul Spicer

Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

The law requires councillors to publicly declare their interests and for the declarations to be publicly available.  They are listed below.
Fay Merrick

Chris Sinden
Paul Spicer
Richard White
Fraser Williamson