Finance, regulations and your public rights

Transparency code for smaller authorities

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 sets out a new audit framework for smaller public authorities. Under the new audit framework smaller authorities, including parish councils, with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 will be exempt from routine external audit. In place of routine audit, these smaller authorities will be subject to the new transparency requirements laid out in this Code. This will enable local electors and ratepayers to access relevant information about the authorities’ accounts and governance.  Subsequently The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 specified that certain specified documents must be publicly available for five years.

Information which should be published

Smaller authorities should publish annually in respect of the previous financial year: all items of expenditure above £100;
end of year accounts,
annual governance statement,
internal audit report,
the details of public land and building assets,
list of councillor responsibilities, and
minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings.

Year end and the public’s right

In addition to publishing the above, the council must publish a statement of the public’s right to examine the accounts soon after the end of the financial year.  Click here. to see the Statement for 2023/24.

The council also publishes its budget for the following year.
Click Budget 202425 to see the budget for 2024/25 for the day to day income and expenditure and click Budget 202425 Reserves to see the council’s reserves and the planned changes in 2023/24.

Information for prior year (2023/24)

Items of expenditure over £100

to follow

End of year accounts

to follow

Internal audit report

to follow

Public land and building assets

to follow

Information for previous five years (Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015)


Accounting Statement 2023-24
Governance Statement 2023-24


Governance Statement 2022-23
Accounting Statement 2022-23
External Auditor Report and Certificate


Governance Statement 2021:22
Accounting Statement 2021:22
External Auditor Report


Governance Statement 2020:21
Accounting Statement 2020:21
External Auditor Report and Certificate


Governance Statement 2019:20
Accounting Statement 2019:20
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019-20

List of Councillor responsibilities




Practices and procedures

Council practices and procedures are governed by three governing documents which cover finance and accounting, council procedures and the conduct of councillors.  These are listed below and may be downloaded by clicking the link.

APC_Financial Regulations 2021Mar amended Sep 2021
Standing Orders adopted July 2023
Members Code of Conduct