
Ashburnham and Penhurst finger post map

In total, there are 12 fingerposts in our parishes and a map showing the posts is above and can be downloadedhere. If you would like to “adopt” one near your home for an annual wash and brush up, do please let us know. You will be joining the ranks of our Finger Post Pamperers!


Since 2015, the Parish Council has shared with East Sussex County Council Highways department the cost of maintenance of finger posts.  If we had not then it was likely that as finger posts came to the end of their life they might be replaced by metal signs. The share is a 50% subsidy from East Sussex Highways for up to two fingerposts per year. Typical costs for a finger post are £500 for repair or £1,500 for complete replacement.

If you see a fingerpost that needs a bit of TLC or something more radical, please email the Parish Clerk via